Dissemination activities at SU Ekzarh Antim I, Kazanlak, Bulgaria
Furst article about the project at the oficial school Facebook page
Poster for the project and the partner flags at the oficial openning ceremony for the new school year 2019-2020
click on the image
The beginning in the project in the Bulgarian school Facebook page:
Click on the image
SDGs Action! at the Bulgarian school exhibition:
SDGs Action! at the school Facebook page
Inspiration with automn leaves- a lesson presented before all students at the schoolyourd dedicated on SDG №15
click on the image:
Information on our oficial Facebook school page about the selection procedure of the students participants in the mobilities first proejct year
EWWR Action in the Bulgarian school:
click on the image to see the articke at the school Facebook page
Our Christmas Workshop for EWWR in the local media:
click on the image to see the article at the local media Kazanlak.bg-ifo
The Christmas workshop in the local TV:
Our project and the Christmas workshop at the local newspaper "Iskra"
Our EWWR campaign at local media Focus
click on the image
The Christmas without waste in our local media Voice Bg
click on the image
Some of our Christmas gifts prodused by the students together with their parents were sold on Charity bazaar in Oslo in support of the international organization "Save the children"
Our team participated in Charity community campaign
We provided to the Christmas market organized by our minicipality the rest of the Christmas gifts prodused by our students with the help of their parents for the campaign EWWR
Our preparation for the SDGs Art Gallery was published at the school Facebook page
Click on the image
In April 2020 we shared our team work on the etwinning project Women who change the world at the school Facebook page!
click on the image
Poster and message to our local community on Earth day connected with SDG13- Climate action
click on image
At the school new year openning ceremony- 15.09.2020
European school sport day - 25.09.2020- Every action matters- Global goal 3- Health and well-being
on the school Facebook page- click on the image
Erasmus days 2020
on the school Facebook page- click on the image
We shared our participation in Climate action project week 1 at the school Facebook page
click on the image
Climate action project- week 2
at the school Facebook page- click on the image
We share with the auduence of our school Facebook page about the online meeting between our 3 grade class and the Italian students
click on the image
The project GREEN WEEK on our Facebook school page
click on the image
The students from SU Ekzarh Antim I were so impressed by the project, so they continued their work and created a video about the chosen in the project 12 Women who changed the world.
In November the students from third and fourth class from SU Ekzarh Antim I, Kazanlak collaborated and created together this video taking on the role of the 12 women who changed the world and shared the video with the school comunity through school Facebook page- click on the photo
December 2020
Online Christmas meeting between our students from 3a class and the Spanish students.Together we sang Bulgarian and Spanish Christmas songs on our national languages and in English we sang Jingle Bells.
To learn more click on the image to see the publication at the school Facebook page.
February 2021- Every action matters
The students from 3a grade planted a trees in the school yard - They planted a Future!
lick on the photo to se ethe publication at the school Facebook page
March 2021
EU Travelling bags - click on the photo to see the publication for this project activity at the school Facebook page
The exhibition of the EU Bags in our school. Spersial time for it on our Facebook school page.
Click on the photo
18 March 2021 - Worl Rcycling Day- our students belive that Every Action Matters! and they participated in the Worl Recycling day - campaign in Bulgaria. They created sun clock and wind indicator from recyclible materials and created some Scratch game
Click on the photos to see the publications in our Facebook school page.
22 March 2021 - World Water Day!
We participated in online meeting between all partners and made experiments together related to water.
Whater is life! Lte's use it wisely! Let's start from today!
click on the photo to see the publication at the school Facebook page
Aprl 2021
Informastion about the Virtual mobility orhanized by SU Ekzarh Antim I, Kazanlak, Bulgaria dedicated to SDG 11.
Click on the photo to see the publication at the school Facebook page.
After the completion of the virtual mobility in April 2021 hosted by our school, our students from third grade built 3D model of Sustainable city. The city was shown at the special exhibition in our school for all students and teachers to see it.
Click on the photo to see the publication atr the school Facebook page.
10,17, 18 May 2021
Virtual mobility hosted by the French school. The topic was "Life on land"- Glbal Goal 15. 78 students from turd grade participated in the online meeting together with 7 teachers.
The first day of the meeting was dedicated on Europe Day and eTwinning day.
Click on the photo to see the publications at the school Facebook page
19-21 May 2021
Virtyal mobility hosted by the Spanish school
We created sculpture dedicated on 17 SDGs and creted scratch games with Makey Makey
see the publicatines - click on the photos
June 2021
We presented our project and the project results- the 3D model of Sustainable city, SDGs sculpture, hote for the isects, Sustainable hunters game and scratch game for SDG 13 in Makey Makey talking pizza box before teachers and students from the schools from Sofia and Plovdiv who were the guest at our school on a special forum
"Innovation in action"
Click on the photos to see the p[ublication on the Facebook school page.
July 2021
Information about the Special Award which the project team reveived again for EWWR20
Click on the photos
July 2021
Intervew with the project coordiantor for SU Ekzarh Antim I, Kazanlak- Natasha Dzhurkova in the Climate stories section of the podcast of ARIR Stara Zagora - Regional Iconomic Development Agency
July 2021
Thanks to the coordinator of the project for our school - Natasha Dzhurkova, the project SGSs Action! was included in the brochure of Europe Direct Stara Zagora - "Good Erasmus+ practices in region Stara Zagora"
Click on the photo