Pleased to meet you! Sept '20

  • A new school year has begun and all of us are ready to satart a new adventure together.

    Our first step is going to be an online meeting to greet each other, to meet face to face in front of the screen.

    To make the meeting seasier and more fruitful, we will meet in pair countries:

    1. Italy- Bulgaria

    2. Romania- France

    3. Finland- Catalonia

    This is the schedule for the meetings:

    1. GUESS WHO: interactive image with Thinglink where students write their name and two sentences about themselves. 

    In front of the camera, the students will say their 2 sentences but not their name. The partner country will find our on the thinglink photo who is he or she.

    2. " PEACE IN THE WORLD PLEASE" , each country will teach how to say this message in their own language to their partner country.

    2. A SYMBOLIC GIFT. We will show a gift in front of the camera as a symbol of friendship and teamwork for the whole school year.


    Finland - Catalonia meetings on Twinspace

    1.Group 1: Thursday 24th September from 9:00 to 10:00 CET

    This is the Catalan team:

    This is the Finnish team:

    2. Group 2: Friday 25th September from 9:00 to 10:00 CET

    This is the Catalan team:

    This is the Finnish team:

    3. Group 3: Friday 25th September from 10:00 to 11:00 CET

    This is the Catalan team:

    This is the Finnish team:

    This is the video summary of our 3 meetings Finland and Catalonia:

    France - Romania meetings on Twinspace

    Romanian groups: Due to the CoVid-19 situation, the students of our school recorded the messages from home because the school operated in a hybrid system (half at school, half at home). The participating students were in both groups, so we were not able to take a group photo.


    4th B


    4th C

    French groups

    Cécile's class

    Anaïs' class

    Italy Team


    Bulgarian team