10th May - What is biodiversity ?

  • 1- What is biodiversity ?

    Video prepared by French pupils : meet BIOMAN and BIOWAN

    presented by E.E. PR. SAINT PAUL, Cesson, FRANCE

    2 - Play a game to discover biodiversity

    Let's play together online a game about biodiversity.

    The 6 partner team played online Kahoot!

    3 - Workshop : build an hotel for insects

    Although not being very popular, insects are very useful for gardening. The greatest biodiversity in the animal kingdom is the one of the insect family. They are very numerous. Some live in society (ants, bees) and others are lonely. They need housing !

    Here is the result :

    Our instects hotels in Sant Josep school garden and later in our SDGs fair in the Town hall of Navàs

    Realisations in Italy - 



    First day of the mobility in the Bulgarian school SU EKZARH ANTIM I, KAZANLAK

    The studnets worked in small national teams to build the hotels

    In the Bulgarian school we made an exhibition with the ready hotels for all students and tecahers primary level to see them.


    Romanian students insect hotels - 

    Scoala Gimnaziala " Nicolae lorga" Sibiu

    Finland, Oulu University Teacher Training School

    4 - Pollinator challenge

    Pollinators are vey important for food production. They tend to disappear. 
    Your mission : in transnational teams, you mission is to observe pollinators. If you meet a pollinator, take a photo and upload it in your team padlet.
    Deadline : sunday 16th May 18:00 (Brussels time)

    The international teams are here :

    Google doc with international teams

    Tip ! The best way to encounter pollinators is to go out when it is hot ! Pollinators do not like rainy weather.

    You do not remember instructions ? Please watch the video

    Result : more than 500 photos taken  by the international temas
    Well done to the STRAWBERRY and the CRANBERRY teams who won the challenge.


    Here are the team padlets to where  the international temas  did upload their photos :