

    GRAMMAR: Give your opinion

    To my mind ...  / in my view...  (à mon avis)
    As for me ... (quant à moi)
    From my point of view ...
    As far as I am concerned ...
    It seems to me that
    I think / feel / believe that ...
    Personally ...
    In my opinion ...
    I can't help thinking that ... ( Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que)
    I am convinced that ... (Je suis convaincu que)
    My feeling is that ...


    • I agree with.... because
    • I disagree with.... because

    HOW to collaborate: Here is a place for the students to suggest articles for our magazine in EUropean teams according to the magazine sections.

    1. Suggest an article with your names + country.
    2. Or join a team writing your name and country, find your captain who will type your page in Madmagz.
    3. You can decide to write the suggested articles too.
    4. Go to the dedicated pages after this one to find tools to write your article collaborately if needed.
    5. When your article is ready, the chosen pupil from your team will follow the link to collaborate on our magazine https://madmagz.com/collab-r/10bw9-1e9f8em-m9zi in order to type the article and add your personal pictures. (not from the net) You can do that with other students from your school.
    6. Don't forget to choose the right colour among the page templates according to the section you are writing for.
    7. When your page is ready, send it to the chief editor to be incorporated into the magazine.


    about our mobilities but also to present our EUro countries and school system.  Objectives: the same as the whole project. Among which being a journalist and photographer and working as an editorial team; developing strategies to improve Education in Europe together democratically with our students in a digital world and  again working on the French pathways to be artistic, healthy, good citizen and future worker.


    article 1: 

    article 2

    article 3

    article 4

    article 5

    1. Cultural Heritage (legacy of physical

    artifacts and intangible attributes of a

    group or society that is inherited from past generations: includes architecture, art,

    objects, music, legends, recipes, festi-

    vals, typical jobs, flags, history...)



    Colour: Brown

    Being altruistic:The legend of St Lucie's eye and the spiral.

    (Corsican Students)



    Ecology and art:

    Landart at the seaside or in the forest!

    Interview: Coraline Gisselaire

    Clémentine + Davia Corsica

    Ecology and art:

    From driftwood picking to mobile building.

    Interview: Coraline Gisselaire

    Clara + Ange EtienneCorsica


    Jessica Holan - Germany 

    4 European dances! Body clapping. Dancing in pairs and gender equity.

    Interview: Coraline Gisselaire

    Being a dance teacher and a choreographer.

    Flavie + Paola Corsica

    4 European desserts and cooking with a professional cook.

    Interview: Carole Quilici

    Louka Corsica

    2. Natural Heritage (refers to the sum

    total of the elements of biodiversity,

    ncluding flora and fauna, ecosystems

    and geological structures.




    Colour: Green

    Special Bonifacio.

    Unesco heritage. History. Caves and cliffs

    Interview: Kevin Loverini

    Pedro + Quentin+ Yanis + JB Corsica

    The pond of Palu, birdwatching with park agents and sustainable fising.

    Interview: Marc Sinibladi

    Kentin Corsica

    Orsu Corsica

    The Mediterranean sea: Mare Nostrum and islands.


    Hannah Holzmann - Germany


    3.Education across the borders.

    (to share comparisons, strategies, tips...)

    Colour: Orange and brown

    Collège du Fium'Orbu, a rural school.

    Interview: headteachers

    (Corsican pupils and teacher)

    The French School system and transferable strategies.

    Brigitte Collomb


    Our vision of a French school.

    (visitors students and teachers)

    Healthy teaching: multilinguism, multi languages, teaching outside, team work, 4C...

    (teachers + students'opinion)

    School in France

    Isabella von Luxburg - Germany

    4. Intercultural dialogue "Intercultural

    dialogue is an open and respectful

    exchange of views between individuals

    and groups belonging to different

    cultures that leads to a deeper under-

    standing of the other’s global perception.”"

     (all the exchanges between students

    and adults concerning socializing topics,

    interviews, narratives, poems, stories of

    encounters, ...Burning topics: topics

    that concern and worry our teenagers

    nowadays: global warming and the

    environment, educational and jobs

    issues, and so on.) aim at socializing

    and maintaining peace as well as

    creating a feeling of European citizenship.



    Colour: light blue.

    Writing a logbook, using my mother tongue, expressing my secret feelings on the spot!

    Interview: Françoise Siméon de Buochberg

    Chiara Corsica

    Giving advice:


    Best activities and attitudes to socialize during a mobility?

    Aurélien Corsica

    Stories of encounters: now we are friends and friendship poems.

    Ceremony of the certificate and goodbye meal.

    Katia + Maëlys + Océane Corsica

    The first day and the last

    Saine Burkart - Germany


    5. Digital citizenship, media and

    creativity: tutorial, advice, Wiki, podcast,

    webradio programs, videos...

    Colour: pink

    Photography genres. Being a photographer, a model? How to take the best pictures?

    Interview: Mr Roux if possible

    (teachers + students'


    Our Digital Citizen Charter

    (teachers and students to complete it if needed)

    + link to our kahoot

    Our Euro Citizen Charter. 

    Brigitte Collomb


    Dissemination plan !

    Follow us! Our Facebook page, our school websites, public eTwinning pages, our wikis....


    Our schools, different languages, our magazine sections, our objectives!

    Interview: Pepa Soler

    Our logo!


    6. A window on the World: dedicated

    to articles about Europe and other

    European countries and other countries.

    Colour: purple


    Being a European citizen:

    The Erasmus KA229 explained to our students.

    Eftihia Chroni

    (teachers + students opinion)

    Being a European citizen:

    The European Union for teens!

    (teachers + students opinion)

    Writing a Wiki for ESL students our project objectives.

    Brigitte Collomb




    WHERE to collaborate:

    This is the link to our magazine:

    Name of the magazine: "Erasmag Team"

    Style chosen: "Modern"


    When you click on it, you can access it as collaborator.