TEAM Spain





    We understand our Erasmus + Project, and within it, our etwinning Project, as a means to improve our skills and thus be able to improve ourselves as teachers.If we become teachers with better skills, we will transmit them to our students and eventually to the project itself.

    This is why we consider that  teachers have to undergo a contunuous process of training in order to obtain the skills needed for today's use in the classroom.

    Isabel Parra' s training:

    Isabel Parra has successfully attended 4 etwinning training courses/webinars/NOOCs


    This training has been very helpful to widen her knowledge on etwinning as well as sharing her views with peers of the same field.


    Pepa Soler's  training:

    Pepa has undertaken a training course "Proyecta eTwinning" specifically about etwinning and the different tools it offers. This training course was given by the National Spanish Training Agency : INTEF. The training course was followed by a session of round table where the participants were informed of every path they could follow.

    During the training course, Pepa was asked to keep a blog:

    Or even create a video "about eTwinning",using Powtoon and hosted on YouTube:


    Isabel Martinez' training

    The process of training is continuous, although in this case a lot of it has been self-training through tutorials .

    I have learned to handle the different tools proposed in this project , such as:


    - wordart

    - madmagz

    - coggle



    For the new year, as we have transformed our students into journalists, I am taking part in the etwinning online seminar, so we are getting ready for the new school year!


    The Spanish Team training:

    The three teachers that form the Spanish Team have attended a fantastic lecture for teachers and students at IES Alyanub by Mrs Inmaculada Pastor, from the National Agency of Cybersafety INCIBE.

    We have learned a lot about their page and tested our credibility on fake news and grooming!!