Magazine questionnaire results


    The largest group of people (13) thought that it would be beneficial to keep the contact between the students and some opted even for a contact between the families, but they didn’t specify how the contact should be kept.


    Another large group (8+8) split up into those who suggested the classical letter or postcard exchange combined with the modern version of emails (asychronous communication) and those who favoured the use of social media and eTwinning.


    The third important suggestion (7) was to visit each other again, either in the holidays or in a regular exchange.


    Other suggestions were to bring a keepsake for the family, to write a newsletter to all parents or to visit together other towns in Europe.


    A sceptical opinion expressed the concern that it would depend on the personality of the individual participants.


    Almost 50 % (35 out of 71) of the people didn’t have any suggestions.