• Four Countries, four teachers:

    Christiane Eichel : Germany = coordinator and magazine

    Brigitte Collomb: France = TwinSpace + dissemination

    Isabel Martinez: Spain = TwinSpace + dissemination

    Eftihia Chroni: Greece = impact and results

    To write an Erasmus KA229

    for the call 2019/ 2021


    1. SWOT individual brainstorming:  strengths, weaknesses, opportunities possible thanks to Erasmus KA229 and eventual threats to consider and overcome for our organizations, for us and for our students.
    2. to define our priorities and objectives from the Erasmus program 
    3. to write coherent activities on a Twinspace and during LTTs to reach our goals.
    4. eTwinning will permit us to prepare and have feedback on our mobilities as regards all the PBL skills required.
    5. as well as other Erasmus tools and other digital places to keep in mind the ecofriendly aspect of our project.