3rd Day Wednesday

  • 3rd Day Wednesday


    We had a presentation by a man from Azerbaijan who talked about the political situation down there and why he left his country. Even though he is in Czech Republic now, he is a member of a party and he is preparing a revolution. We had the possibility to ask him a few questions and we could discuss with him.




    We went to Roma colony Bedřiška and there was a student from a local university who explained us the situation and took us too see the place where they are living. We had the opportunity to enter and see some houses and listen their histories and issues with the mayor who wants to destroy this community. We know that the mayor wanted to sold them flights tickets to go away and when she was elected she gave matches as gadgets to destroy their place, also there are free houses that could be occupied by the members of the community but they are not aloud to do that. In the link below there is a petition in which you could help them to save their place.



    After we had a little free time and then we came again to school to attend the party with the teachers and also the members of czech students' families. 



    Here is english version of petition (Roma colony Bedřiška):  an here is link: http://www.nasehulvaky.cz/2018/04/petice/ where you can sign the petition.