
  • Microtales - Sweden

    ” Swedish people waved and smiled at her which made her feel comfortable. However, she said there are both pros and
     cons. One cultural and religious difference is about her hijab.”  
    "Girl from Syria" By Nika Mahani, Josefine Dahlin and Linus Hallén
    “Their questions led to a constant state of reliving his past tearing up old scars and robbing him of sleep.”
    "Say Hi Hi" By Felicia Runge and Frida Elleskog
    "Imagine giving birth to a daughter and have to flee your home country before even turning eighteen. Today Tahera has
     changed her life and she have all the opportunities in the world to grow and become a successful strong woman."
    "A strong successful woman" By Lisa Belin and Lisa Sevenius


    Microtales - Italy

    “Alexander couldn't take it anymore: he had to do something to stop his father. And since his mother didn't have enough energy to react, he had to be strong for both.”

    from Alexander by Greta De Fino and Davide Strada


     "Life let Yadira down over and over. Deserted by her parents, left illiterate, and got pregnant at seventeen after an arranged marriage, she decided her beloved son was going to have a different life.  But was her love for her child going to be enough?"

    from Yadira by Alice Alliegro


    “The days on the boat seemed endless, someone was screaming, someone was crying, someone was hugging the others trying to not to feel the cold...”

    from Jamal And The Operator  by Fabio Gallo and Christian Giacon


    Microtales - Spain 

    "Never think you don't have anything. Believe me, I ended up trapped in an unknown country without the only thing I had, my family".
    "Alejandro" By Stella Doñate, Yiyi Wu and Laura Teruel


    A life of strain and hope, the story of a man who moved from his home in search of a job  and he got face to face with loneliness, poverty and a new challenge... the story of many. 
    "Thiago" by Erick D'Hebboudt and Lucía Surace.


    “When fear fills your mind, ask for help and restart; there is always a solution, push forward and chase your goals”. 
    "Adam" by Giorgia Poscetti and Annalilly García.

    Microtales - Czech Republic              

    I won’t lie, it wasn’t really easy to fit in, but I have made it with my loving husband and kids by my side.                  

    Irina by Renáta, Alexandra and Natálie


     It was hard to leave my home country but I knew that there will be better life.I didn´t know any word in Czech. But I really wanted to make friends, I just wanted to live a life like any other  Czech.                                                                                          Omar by   Anna, Adam, Adéla


     Whenever you feel bored or unfilled from the things you do normally, just pack all of your stuff and get out of that. Maybe you’ll find the love of your life like  me.                                                                                                                                     Christopher Eddins