Case Study 1.1

  • Case Study 1:

    CASE STUDY 1: Said



    Said had some reason to leave his country, such as earning money or helping his family, but his expectations were too high, as he didn’t take into account that the Spanish law wouldn’t allow children under 16 to work.

    Moreover, Spanish citizens don’t accept immigrants easily because sometimes they think they’re taking their (Spanish nationals’) job opportunities.

    Despite the fact that Said didn’t meet his expectations, he achieve something, he went to school, he has been socially included by his classmates and therefore he hasn’t felt isolated.

    He can even ask to become a legal citizen once he’s 18 and finds a legal job.

    In our opinion, the situation of Said is very common nowadays among immigrants his age. Mane immigrants come to Spain looking for a better life but they don’t know anything about Spanish policies. The think that once they arrive in Spain they can stay and work with no limitation. We would like them to be informed about our immigration Laws.



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