Case Study conclusions - Sweden

  • Case study 1 - Said 14, from Morocco

    We are going to discuss the asylumdifferences between Marocco and Sweden. Said from Marocco is 14 years old and has come alone to Sweden to seek for asylum. What are his options? And what does the asylumrules look like in Sweden? We’re also going to present some background info about homeless maroccan children that lives i Sweden.

    Asylum rules - Sweden

    According to the asylum/refugeekonvetion, the Swedish law and EU-rules you’re an regufee if you have reasons enough to be afraid of mercecuation because of:

    • Race
    • Nationality
    • Religious or political opinions
    • Gender
    • Sexual orientation
    • Belonging to a certain group in the society

    Children seeking asylum

    If you’re under 18 you count as a child in Sweden and the laws for asylumseeking children looks a bit different than for adults. The law says that Migrationsverket should (act in the childs best interests) take särskild hänsyn for the childs best. Every child that wants to, and can express themselves, have the right to talk and be listened to. Childrens reasons for asylum are beeing tried specifically because the child  can have different reasons than the parents. Every child have the right to go to school and preschool on the same conditions as other children that lives in Sweden. Children whos seeks asylum also have right to medical care in Sweden.

    Saids case

    Because Said is underaged he’s allowed to stay in Sweden, at least until he turns 18. This is because there are different laws for children seeking asylum. But Said is only allowed to stay in Sweden until he is 18 years old, if the swedish authorities doesn’t succeed to get in contact with his parents in Marocoo. If they do get in contact with his parents they’re going to send him back to Marocco.  If Said for an example is a transperson it’s too dangerous for him to go back to his homecountry, then he could stay in Sweden.  

    Moroccan children

    Alot of Moroccan children are trying their luck in Sweden instead of Morocco because they’ve heard that Sweden have better job opportunities. It’s the finance crisis that have brought alot of teenagers to the north and they often come from dysfunctional families that have a background of drugs, abuse etc.Vet ni det? In many cases the children don’t even have a school education. Therefor they seek money from doing non illegal actions.

    lot of Moroccan kids or underaged have it difficult in Sweden, cause they live on the streets and doing criminalities, such as robing and stealing. Due to this circomstances there´s a problem for the swedes and the kids who are the victims. It´s hard to find a place to stay and being trusted when you are alone without a passport or ID-card - something that can prove who you are. The only options they have is to build up a case and make it sound good enough to be trusted, exept for said. He has to make sure the goverment or migrationsverket dosen´t find a relative or a parent that can take care of him. 


           Case studie 2 - Khaled, 23 from Afghanistan

               Khaled came to Sweden for working and he now works illegal. These are no valid reasons for getting an asylum. You can stay in Sweden                   until you are 18-24 years old depending on how long your school education is, but this is not the case for Khaled since he is not studying.               He is also over eighteen, which means that the Migration Authority has the right to place him in an accommodation anywhere in the                       country, it does not matter where the person studied (if they studied) or lived before. The Migration Authority will probably deport him                 back to Afghanistan, or to the country he first entered on his journey, even though they advise Swedish citizens not to travel to that                         country. Khaleds´ options to stay legal in Sweden is not reasonable, however he can stay illegal in Sweden by hiding from the police and                 working illegal. If the police find him, they will send him back to Afghanistan. In other words, he cannot reunite with his family in Sweden,             only in an illegal way.