• DAY 1

    The first day at the beggining each country showed their presentation about their schools and cities. Then we had some ice-breaking activities to get to know each other better. After that we were divided into groups and we worked on a social dictionary. At the end we took a walk at the lovely beach in Benidorm.



    Yesterday, we all talked about our schools and each country presented their school.


    Spain:The Spain group was the first of presenting and Lucy told us that the International School Lope of Vega was founded in 1956 by Mr. Juan Fuster Zaragoza and also that children of all ages and from all nationalities are welcome to our school because that is the reason why the school finally become into an international landmark.


    Czech RepublicThe czech group had presentation mainly about their city where they’re coming from, about interesting places there and about their school. The places you can visit are entertaining centre, parks,theaters, etc. They also have international festival and a lot of artist from the whole world arriving to present them there.
    The czech school has three study programs. The first one is the bilingual program that is concentrated to intensive studying of Spanish, second one is language program concentrated to English and the third one is general program.   


    Italy: The italian group presented his school and the students  talked about the location of the school(Milan),the different courses(liceo Linguistico,liceo Scientifico,Graphic courses and Economy courses),the Y.E.S.+ PROJECT and the curricula in our school.They  also talked about our first steps for the Erasmus+ project like vocational training activities,school help in local schools and caritas ambrosiana.


    Sweden : The swedish group is from Österåkers gymnasium which is in a town near the Sweden's capital city. So they represented their school. The swedish group have six students, four boys and two girls. All of them took part of the presentation. The school has five programs.  They talked also about their town, Åkersberga, that it is 30 km from Stockholm.



    After the presentation we did some ice-breaking games to know each other.

    I think it was very useful,we felt very well and we began to assemble the big multicultural group of Erasmus.



    The last ice-breaking game was that the teacher put different cards on our back and we could not see them. Our mission was find other students who have same type of the card. There were four students of each group and there were six groups. That we did not know was that in each group there were one swedish, one italian, one spanish and one czech student. There were students from every country so we all could work and meet new people. We will not change the groups so we can use all the of our focus to work on our project. All students can speak English so the groups has to speak and work in English.




    From September until now, all my class in Benidorm were making the “Social Dictionary” which is a dictionary that we have to search definitions about words related to immigration and social finally  yesterday we finished with our work groups. I think that this dictionary is very useful because we can learn new different words and we can know more about the theme of the Erasmus’ project.



    After some activities we went to visit the local beach that is nearby, something about 15min. by walking. But unfortunately even we are in Valencia the rain came and started to rain a lot for about 15 min. However we enjoyed it anyway. After some free time we had at the beach we went back to school for lunch and some of us to their housing homes.