Day 1

  • Day 1

    1. Welcome ceremony held by the Swedish team,  Patric Flodén, vice principal and Christer Munthe, House Father and Dominika, Erasmus plus mascot.


    2. School presentations - students presented their schools and school environment

    In Italy you can study a lot of language. The most of the classes have short days, they end really early, 2 o'clock every day

    Sweden has many interesting activities and that is good. The graduation also seemed funny. Sweden also have nice relax zones

    The Czech school is focused on language which is really useful. The school does also have Spanish & English theatre which seems quality.

    Spain,we like that they have diffrent activities, for example swimming pool. We also like that you have school uniforms, that looks really polite.


    3. Personal accounts of integration and inclusion ( Tove Eriksson and Yostina Desta)

    We think that she means that refugees are a current status, you will not be a a refugee forever. Listening to Tove and Yostina we could feel what this people have felt and are feeling when they leave their countries and they start their long journies to reach other countries. We have understood that the main feeling the felt was fear. They were afraind of everything and they even didn't know anything about the country they were going to. We could imagen families divided by the dead of the members. Everything was really emotional. You are not choosing to be a refugee, its not a choice. We could really appriciate the work they were doing. 









    4. State of the question presentations by each country.

    SPAIN: Spain has european territory in the african continent (Ceuta & Melilla), althought, is still part of Spain. So that is why many immigrants come to its coasts.

    SWEDEN: Sweden is a target country where people go to, mostly people from Syria, Somalia and Afganistan that were badly treated.

    ITALY: Is a passing country as it is in the middle of countries where immigrants movement happens the most

    CZECH REPUBLIC: There are many vietnam immigrants. It is a transit country as well.

    One think in common, is that all the countries recieve/have immigrants.


    5. Summary of the day - team work - students were asked to work in international teams, we created Forums with questions to by answered.