• KICK-OFF with Don Virginio Colmegna

    The Italian Kick Off event of the project Y.E.S.+ took place on 16th December 2016. Don Virginio Colmenga founder and person in charge  of " Casa della Carità" in Milan came to open our project officially. Representatives of the local authorities, of the "Arma dei Carabinieri" , the media, students and teachers were invited to the exceptional event. Mr. ..... from Ufficio Scolastico Regionale della Lombardia was present too.

    The event was held in our Aula Magna and was introduced by the Headmaster Ms Patrizia Cocchi and the two teachers who were involved in the planning and filling in of the Erasmus+ form Ms Lida Balloni and Ms Daniela Rigamonti.

    Don Virginio Colmegna spoke about inclusion focusing on moving records from his homeless/ refugee centre. He underlined the fact that "Casa della Carità" is a clear example of good practices, it is not just a Charity Organization, it helps people in need, centering all the activities on the respect of  human rights, but it keeps an eye on entrepreneuship;  "Casa della Carità" and our project share the same final aims.


    The students present at the event were from 3C, 3H, 3I, 3M, 3T the four classes directly involved in the project, they all have different but complementary roles. Anyway, all of them are determined, they will share the project issues with the other students in the school, the local comunity and beyond.

    Here, there is a slide show related to the project different roles.

    Kick off con don Virginio Colmegna