• DAY 5  

    Friday, 2nd December

    We started the day with a dance to activate ourselves and start the morning. After that we played Kahoot. In Kahoot there was a quiz about immigration in our countries and Europe, and we had to choose the best answer based on our own knowledge.


    We think it was very interesting, because we learnt something new, of course, but also because we realized that we found out a lot of information about our own countries that we didn’t know before.

    After Kahoot we had a 30 minute break and when we got back, we danced one more time. After the dance we had a debate. The debate was about how we see and think about some issues related to social inclusion. We got to choose a word from the glossary we had been working on during the week and formulate a question related to it.

    Italy chose the theme refugees fee and asked the following question: “Do countries really help refugees with fees?”.

    Spain, instead, chose irregular immigrants as their theme and formulated this question:“Should irregular migrants have the same rights as regular ones?”.

    Czech Republic chose the word refugees and  their question was: “Why do they even exist?”.

    Sweden chose immigrants and wondered which were the “Pros and cons of immigration in Europe”.  


    It was fun because we learnt each other’s opinions and thoughts about Social Inclusion. We realized we had a lot of common ideas, but other contrasting ideas too, and we all think this perfectly shows that we are all different and that we may have different opinions, but after all we are part of the EU and we collaborate together.                                                                   

    In the end, we did a survey about the different activities we had done during the whole week we spent in Spain and about what we learnt (Social Inclusion).

    And last but not least, we were given our final diplomas and certifications.