Day 3

  • Day 3

    1. We are going to have a workshop about making videos and today we were getting ready for that.


    2. Workshop about music - our teachers prepared a workshop about music. Influence of music on social inclusion and songs and lyrics in order to prepare our activity for the next meeting in Italy. We played and sang songs together and we epressed our emotion towards people coming to the country.



    3. We invited students from classes for newly coming students to join our project and we wanted to get better each other and we tried speed talking and we also had a tabletennis match.



    4. Swedish students prepared some activities and competitions for their friends. We spent a really nice afternoon together.



    Summary - best comments of the day

    A good idea for a project and we are excited to record it tomorrow with our group!

    It's was really intresting since they bringed things up that we haven't thinked about before. It was also usefull since we're going to make movies.

    Simply the best, it was really funny, we admire all the italian students and their teacher for preparing such a beautiful song about immigration

    Amazing, we had a lot of fun and we met new interesting people from countries that do not participate in the project