• Students from the four countries take action devoting their free time to help others with social inclusion. 


    Spanish students taking solidarity actions

    1. EURO MARATHON. Bank of time activity to raise money for USAR 13.

    1st Bachillerato students organise the Euro Marathon, in which students, teachers and collaborators donate 1 euro for USAR 13, a NGO that trains rescue dogs to help in natural tragedies. They raise 420€ for this cause!!! 

    Even the smallest students showed their solidarity.


    Áurea González, Lope de Vega School Principal, donating a euro to help USAR 13 NGO.

    2. ESSENTIALS COLLECTION CAMPAIGN to help disadvantaged families from the area. 

    Lope de Vega students lead a campaign to collect essential products like milk, olive oil, rice, legumes, fruit juice, soap, shampoo, toothpaste or napies among others to help poorer families through CARITAS and the RED CROSS. 

    This is a total success, with 2 TONS of essentials collected!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


    3. SOLIDARITY WORKSHOP: Do it yourself!

    This time, Lope de Vega students teach others how to create christmas crafts with recicled items to donate them to the needed families of the area. 



    Another important campaign has been carried out by Lope de Vega Erasmus+ students along with the help of families, students, teachers and collaborators in order to raise money for ACOMAR, organisation that helps excluded people to become part of society,  and SAN JOSÉ OBRERO SCHOOL, with students in risk of social exclusion. They have collected 2.300€ for these two organisations. Congratulations!!!!




    For a detail report on what has been done by the Italian students, please go to the following Twinspace page:

    ITALY local page... Bank of Time and Vocational Training experiences (preparing for the 4th Mobility meeting in the Czech Republic) 



    For report on what has been done by the Swedish students go to Sweden local page.