Day 2

  • Day 2

    Today we are meeting Europe...

    Today is a very important day, we are meeting Mr. Bruno Marasà Director of the Milan Office of the European Parliament.

    He will explain what this strong migration to Europe represents for Europe itself. He will deal with the integration policy of the EU,its costs and the efforts done by each member state. So at 14.30 we are at Palazzo delle Stelline in Corso Magenta, the place is beautiful it's an old palace with a garden inside


    We have prepared some questions to ask him.

    We explain our project to him and he likes it so much that he promises to appear in the video we are shooting as final product of our project.

    "It was interesting Mr.Marasà really tried and he did his best to bring the issue closer to us. But I didn't understood everything because of his english. I liked the idea of united  europe. And I like honest he was."

    "It was interesting and I appreciated that Mr Marasá was trying to speak in English. Also the questions from my friends were all very good and interesting "

    "I appreciate what he has done, even if his English wasn't so clear, but anyway he has tried. I remember he said that we haven't t got solutions for the problems, but we've got instruments to solve them, and I think that with these sentence he expressed very well the sense of community and union that should be in UE."

    A walk through Milan

    We are visiting  the most imteresting places in the city Centre

    "... we have seen   the Duomo  Cathedral, the Castello Sforzesco and the Vittorio Emanuele Gallery..."                     

    "...We have seen  Duomo cathedral, La scala, the Castello, aperiparty..."   "Via Padova’ is a wonderful street.. and Monteneapoleone too"

    "The place I have  liked the most was piazza Duomo, except of the pigeons, because of the architecture and the atmosphere"

    "The place liked the most in Milan was the Duomo and the Gallery because the Duomo is really beautiful and it's the symbol of Milan, instead the Gallery is the symbol of fashion"