Bank of Time and Vocational Training experiences (preparing for the 4th Mobility meeting in the Czech Republic)

  • Our Erasmus+ students are involved in vocational traing activities connected with the concept Bank of Time and the concept of Inclusion.

    These activities started in the school year 2016/17 and they are going on this school year too.

    When we  met on November 24th during the Mobility Meeting here in Italy, we focused on what we could do to help other people to favour their inclusion... here you have the Padlet filled in with our posts

    24th November 2017 Mobility in Italy ( Padlet)

    Creato con Padlet

    We went on to put  our ideas into practice!!! and since January we are involved in various projects where the bank of time is the basic idea


    Some of us started helping  at "Caritas Ambrosiana".at Cusano Milanino (MI). "Caritas Ambrosiana" is a no-profit organization that helps people in need, mostly people coming from developing countries, people who have stortage of food,  clothes and are unemployed. We could not and still can't help these people directly, as we  were and are  underage students. Anyway we helped and still help the volunteers dealing with computers, data and documents and some translations. Tarik Ouguelli our classmate, a new comer to Italy from Marocco is with us helping; he can always give us a different perspective of things and events

    Caritas Ambrosiana pictures


    Caritas Ambrosiana video





    Others are  helping young students  from local schools in their homework. We go the "S. Allende" junior high school here in Paderno on Tuesdays  and Thursdays for 2 hours a day.  We are not only teaching... we are learning too: learning about different places, customs and traditions, about ourselves too.

    Instead 19 of us are helping very young students dealing with the English language. We go to an elementary school in Senago. We have been going since January in the afternoon after school; it's a very exciting experience !!!

    Here we are... two of us: Elisa Borgognone, Laura Morici,  we are in the class 4C. We are teaching children to describe themselves in English. The students are 9 year old


    Lacci Eleonora and Sponchiado Michela in the same elementary school but the class is 2B ... the students are just 7 years old


    Fabio Gallo and Cristian Giacon are teaching  English to 3rd class students  ( they are 8 years old)



    Others of us are helping at our local parish youth club once a week in the afternoon, we started in January . Mainly, we help young students with their homework, they are young people of different ages, there are a lot of children of new comers. The organization, the structure is provided by our local parish a catholic church, anyway youngesters of different religions attend the free facility, an excellent example of mutual respect and integration. We explain everything in the following video. We are sorry not to show you images with the kids we help, but a family' s special permission is needed to take images of the underage according to the Italian law on Privacy and to reach new comers' families results extremely difficult. 


    Parish Youth Club Don Bosco video


    Since January some of us have been working in this Parish Youth Club, helping children with their homework and their subjects.

    Most of the children  we help come from  families with  financial problems or families where both parents work for long hours and can't look after their sons and daughters. And this is what exactly we do: we look after them and help them.




    Some of us  were involved in the event "Piazza Solidale" organized by Intercultura a local organization and school network.The aim of this organization  is the cooperation among the local schools in order to  welcome new immigrant students in the area and forster  their  inclusion in the attended schools. We spoke English and we taught to children from different places, newcomers in our neighbourhood.



    The bank of time had a special location for one of us, she had the opportunity to be a tourist guide at Duomo cathedral in Milan.

    She had the opportunity to use the different languages studied at school and to deal with people with special needs.



    Before starting our experiences, we... students have been trained at school by internal and external experts and, everyday, during our activities, are constantly followed by an external and an internal tutor.  

    Here you can find the official documents  of our main volunteers and  vocational training activities