
  • Microtales

    In this page, you can find a few examples of our microtales. The idea of a microtale is to extract a sentence that would somehow best summarize the migrant's feelings, story, etc. Microtales are going to be part of one of the final products - bookmarks.

    "I won’t lie, it wasn’t really easy to fit in, but I have made it with my loving husband and kids by my side."

    Irina by Renáta, Alexandra and Natálie.


     Martin: When love calls, people tend to jump right into the unknown both figuratively and literally.


     It was hard to leave my home country but I knew that there will be better life.I didn´t know any word in Czech. But I really wanted to make friends, I just wanted to live a life like any other Czech.                                                                               Omar by Anna, Adam, Adéla


     “Whenever you feel bored or unfilled from the things you do normally, just pack all of your stuff and get out of that. Maybe you’ll find the love of your life like me.” –Christopher Eddins
                                                                                                                                                                       Cwik, Kundrátová, Hermanová


     At the beginning the Czech Republic was just a smart move in his business but in the end he gain so much more than just money.

    Moving to another country didn’t mean anything for him until that one day when he met her.

    He was coming back every week to the same spot with all his hopes that maybe, just maybe, he would see her again. He did and it changed his life forever.


     La vida de José- Natálie Chynoradská, Lenka Kaštovská, Jakub Macháček

    "Leaving your whole life behind is hard, but love is worth everything."

    "We do crazy things for love."

    "Never did he think he was going to do such an unimaginable thing for love."

    "People seemed quite hostile and cold to him. They stared at him in resentment, with eyes full of judgement. The only thing keeping him from falling apart, was the love of his life."