3.2.- Teachers' introduction (P2)


    The coordinator teachers are:

    Hungary: Attila Gulyás.

    Italy: Rosella Di Donato.

    Poland: Patryk Dolinsky.

    Romania: Gheorghina Rodica Chifan.

    Spain: Juan Antonio Rincón Carballo.

    Turkey: Aysegul Erdur.

    In the 21/22 academic year, two centres in Extremadura will be incorporated as part of our strategic dissemination plan. They are CEIP Castra Caecilia in Cáceres and Salesianos María Inmaculada in Puebla de la Calzada.

    Cáceres (Extremadura - Spain): Critina Sáez Pardo.

    Puebla de la Calzada (Extremadura - Spain): Óscar Verdasco.

    In the Padlet we are going to introduce ourselves to all the teachers who participate in the project.
