24.2.- Virtual costumes (P31)


    Image of Programa Educativo Foro Nativos Digitales from Junta de Extremadura (Consejería de Educación y Empleo)


    Reflect on the danger of assuming a false identity online.


    20 - 25 minutes.


    The Internet allows people to "mask" their real digital identity, lying about the data they publish and/or register on the Internet, even pretending to be someone else. Do you think that all the information you see on the Internet and social networks is true? Be careful, because it is not! In pairs, students will pretend to behave by assuming the identity of another person (e.g. a celebrity or fictional character), through comments and actions of the selected character. The other partner in the pair has to find out which celebrity or character it is: is it or is it not relatively easy to impersonate others? After this role-play activity, the teacher can give examples of celebrities who have been impersonated online.

    Further discussion can be channelled through the questions you can find in the Forum activity at the bottom of this page.

    1. Can you easily identify lies online and to whom do you lie?

    2. What are the dangers of lying online?

  • Have you ever lied on the Internet (e.g. given a false date of birth in order to log in to a social network or online game)?
    15 votes (62.50%)
    8 votes (33.33%)
    1 vote (4.17%)
  • Evidence

    CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida

    Showing and analysing the results in an online class in the fifth and sixth year groups.

    Role play game - 2 B Secondary School - Istituto Comprensivo Pescara 7

    After a discussion about the possibility of masking (or even hiding) one's real identity students do a role-play in which everyone plays a famous person while the other classmates have to guess who that person is

    7.b class in Szignum school, Makó - Hungary

    Ildikó Mészáros led the activity on 29th of April.