23.2.- No without my mobile (P28)


    Image of Programa Educativo Foro Nativos Digitales from Junta de Extremadura (Consejería de Educación y Empleo)


    Experience how dependent we are on our mobile phones.


    Activity to be carried out from home.


    Students will check the level of dependence on mobile phones, either in themselves, if they have a mobile phone, or in other family members who do: parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, etc. The aim is to carry out an experiment of a day without a mobile phone, in order to compare the experience afterwards, trying to bring to light the limitations that have been found and also the virtues of living without this device, as well as the alternatives used to replace the functions of the mobile phone.

    We propose you to spend 24 hours without a mobile phone or Internet, do you think you can do it? Test yourself and then comment on your experience. You won't be able to use your mobile or other people's mobiles for any of the activities you carry out during the day, not even as an alarm clock: a difficult task? Yes, but not impossible.

    It would be ideal if the teacher could also carry out the experiment of living a day without a mobile phone and discuss the experience with the pupils.

    Share your experience in the forum we have created for this activity and answer the question below.

  • Can you live a day without your mobile phone?
    2 votes (66.67%)
    1 vote (33.33%)
  • While our students are working...

    No without my mobile"

    A summary of the work done by the pupils of the second grades of the lower secondary school "Antonelli"

    No without my mobile"

    Other images of the work done by the pupils of the secondary classes