2.4.- Curricular Integration


    On this page each partner school explains how the project is included in the official planning of the school or class groups; which subjects are involved; and how the evaluation aspect is dealt with.


    The project is integrated into the curriculum, the syllabus of the 5th and 6th grade of Primary Education, the Annual General Programme (page 44) and is complemented and fed by the programme Digital Natives Forum of the Regional Ministry of Education of the Regional Government of Extremadura. This programme has three actions aimed at 5th and 6th grade pupils during tutoring hours, cybermentor pupils and families.

    Regarding the curriculum, it contributes to a better achievement of learning standards in the areas of Spanish language and literature, English, social sciences, values and Art.

    In the case of Extremadura, the general and specific objectives of the project have been specified in accordance with the Primary Education Curriculum (Decree 103/2014 of 10 June) and have been specified in terms of content, assessable learning standards and key competences. The following document shows the relationship between these curricular elements.


    Although the specific activities are aimed at pupils from 5th grade onwards, the project encourages the participation of the whole school, and the specific activities can even be adapted to pupils at lower levels. In the 19/20 school year, we worked with the Infant Education pupils on a story on the subject of hoaxes. At that time the pupils were very frightened by the viral hoax of "Momo challengue". In the 20/21 academic year, Infant and Primary pupils carried out the good practice on "The Club of the Braves" for the prevention of risks such as cyberbullying.

    All the pupils of the school participate in cultural activities aimed at getting to know the countries that are part of our project. Some examples are: general and lifestyle questionnaires; cultural Romania activities (November 2019) or cultural Poland activities (January 2020). They also take part in educational celebrations such as the European Day of Languages, Erasmus Days, Christmas, Peace and Non-Violence Day, Safer Internet Day and European School Day.

    With the development of the activities we contribute to all the competences: Linguistic communication competence; mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology; digital competence; social and civic competences; sense of initiative and entrepreneurship competence; cultural awareness and expression competences. In fortnightly sessions, students and teachers carry out the local activities and good practices of the project.

    The tasks and activities allow our students to develop the following skills: teamwork; respect for peers and teachers; communication in their own language and in a foreign language, English being our vehicle language; knowledge of and respect for other cultures; knowledge of school rules; participation in the community based on their rights and obligations.

    The activities promoted the use of active methodologies such as project-based learning, Flipped Classroom and collaborative learning. They were defined based on the interests and motivations of our students, in order to guarantee their involvement. Cybermentor students have become researchers in a learning journey shared with the teachers and in which they had to find information, filter it, process it and finally find an answer, usually creative, to face the challenges. Students became creators to generate some kind of final product that served both to respond to the challenges and to be disseminated as results of the project. The students took the role of protagonists from the beginning of the project.

    Most of the work has been done during school hours except for those carried out from mid-March 2020 onwards, when, for reasons justified by COVID-19, both teachers and students had to work from home, a situation which has not prevented the project from being carried out.


    The Pescara 7 Comprehensive Institute articulates an educational project that aims achieve educational success by all pupils, leveraging on personalization and inclusion to offer eveyone equal opportunities for the constructions of knowledge and skills of social dignity, of enhancement of diversity and their respective talents, in order to give a concrete answer to the training needs of pupils: and in this context that the CYBERSECURITY SCHOOLS project is inserted.

    The inclusion of the project in our activities helps to implement these training needs: living in school a climate of well-being, mutual listening and acceptance; to develop self-esteem and confidence in one's abilities and to experience succes for the construction of a positive life project; recognition of the right to error; stay together, estabilish bonds and become aware of the need rules in terpersonal relationships to partecipate in social life in one democratic dimension; exeperience the pleasure of paying, discovering, experimenting and knowing at school; use communication technologies with awareness; experience knowledge and skills acquired in real situations.  

    The educational offer outlined for the three levels of school therefore takes into account the different contexts and training needs and is characterized by a planning based on the construction of knowledge, disciplinary skills and transversal citizenship skills, ranging from promotion of reading to the enhancement of logical-mathematical skills, from environmental education to digital innovation, from the promotion of sport education for legality, with a significant involvement of the Municipality and local authorities, of the city museums and of the various cultural, sporting and social promotion associations, of volunteering, as well as other educational institutions for the creation of online courses. In addition, recovery and enhancement paths as well as enhancement are activated of excellence.

    A strong point is the full involvement of teachers in the definition of training courses through a participatory and personalized planning of disciplinary curricula, toothrough constant discussion and sharing in work and support groups, or in activities monitoring evaluation and guidance. Families also generally show themselves willing to get involved in all the different educational and training activities and collaborate actively to the implementation of the various initiatives. There are numerous school and extracurricular experiences that favour aggregation and socialization of students, also through the active collaboration of associations that promote free cultural, recreational and sports activities both in the schools themselves and in external structures.