eSafety Day 2019 Portugal

  • eSAFETY DAY in Aver-O-Mar school was celebrated on the 5th but continued throughout the all month of February, so that students from all 8 schools of our cluster can participate - from kindergarden to 9th grade students.


    Up to now, students have attended several informative workshops like “We are the Hackers”, “Bullying & Cyberbullying”, “Safely on the Internet”. Also parents have attended a session to alert them and inform how to help their children – they’ve listened and asked practical questions on how to survey their kids.


    Besides the school teachers, these sessions were also performed with the collaboration of the local Public Security Forces, Municipal / Public Library expert and Minho’s University Department of Social Sciences teachers.


    Up to now we’ve talked about hackers, Internet, digital safety and digital footprint, parents control, social networks / apps, passwords, and much more.


    Being digital but being safely digital!