The Logo Competition

  • 1.) Each partner school organizes the selection of one project logo at its school. (save the image in jpg version)

    2.) The coordinator from each school sends their proposal ONLY to TANJA, the main coordinator, by email.

    DEADLINE 20th October

    3.) All the proposals will be marked with a number from 1 to 6, without specifying where the individual proposal comes from.

    4.) The numbered images will be uploaded on the project blog and on this page on 21st October

    5.) Each coordinator will then select 20 pupils in their school to vote which logo they like most, but of course they should NOT VOTE FOR THEIR OWN !! The vote lasts 2 days

    6.) The coordinator from the school, after the vote, gives the results to the main cordinator BY EMAIL.

    7.) The main coordinator will post results on the blog and announce the winner - which logo got the most votes from the pupils on October 25th.

    8.) Results will be also published on the twinspace.