Code Week 2016, 2017


    The European Code Week (Nov.10 to 22, 2017), the Hour of Code (worldwide during 4.-10.2017) and other coding events aim to bring coding and computer science to everybody, especially to students of all ages, with fun and in a challenging and motivating way. All initiatives offer coding activities to students e.g. for Scratch. 

    All participating countries will try to implement such a coding activity in their school, starting with some classes or groups in this year between october and the beginning of december. 

    Here are the first reports: 

    In Latvia:
    October 17, 2017: Workshop "Makey Makey and Scratch" in the framework of the  Code Week EU.

    In the Czech Republic:

    Celebrating European Code Week with 9th graders and their dedication to Scratch.

    In Spain :

    In the following video we can watch a group of students of IES Los Cerros doing two different tasks in the same lesson: designing ICT world logos or participating in activities of CODE.ORG

    In Germany:  
    ​Students of grade 5,6 and of an afternoon club worked on different activities that are offered by the "Hour of code". They were very proud to receive certificates at the end of their first code course. 

    In France :

    12th October : DAY OF CODE{{Introduction}}

    The Orange company cooperates with the school for a major action: to allow the 180 students of 6th grade to participate fo each of them in 2 hours of playful and exciting workshops around the coding and the robots, under exceptional conditions. action was visited by representatives of the educational authorities, the Mayor of Mérignac and the Press.


    Supervised by more than 20 company coaches, in small groups of 2 students around a computer, students first learned SCRATCH. After having discovered the simplest features, they had fun writing small programs to design games for example. Then, with the Thymio robots brought by Orange, they had a glimpse of how computer language, code, control and react these mobile robots. Each 2-hour sequence ended with the award of a "Supercoder" diploma, a T-Shirt, and a group photo.

    In Latvia:

    October 21, 2016: The Hour of Code at school "Klasika" before the autumn holidays.


    In Finland