More about ICT World

  • The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    see also: Our WIKI

    The idea of „ICT World - Imaging, Coding,Transforming and Modelling the World around us" aims to involve students in creating situations of their real life by using different software tools to image, visualise, model or code situation.These tools imply media competence, are challenging and deepen insights in basic as well as advanced coding and ICT.

    The whole project is based on innovative approaches of the use of ICT.   It is important to involve students and make them familiar - as early as possible in their life- with intelligent use of New Technologies that will become much more important in their professional and private future life.Our methodology is based on innovative methods e.g. open tasks and problems, that foster creativity, logical, mathematical thinking and problem solving, are cooperative and start from real life. Applications with these software tools can be also used in different subjects.

    Partners are experienced in at least two of these software tools and its use in different subjects and are interested in exchanging classroom ideas, trying them out and evaluating them in order to develop these ideas further. GIMP, GEOGEBRA, SKETCHUP or creating printable 3D MODELS, SCRATCH and  Arduino for coding or Smart home , working with LEGO or digital video analysis or data analysis with GAPMINDER are some examples of tools.

    Teachers and students as well will look for challengings tasks, small projects, competitions and workshops that are given to international teams (from all partners). They will work together in INTERNATIONAL TEAMS during the meetings as well as in periods in between the meetings. This work will be supported by using a well-structured twinspace for communication and collaboration as well for documentation of examples of best practice. Of course we also will use other tools for cooperation like they are used for international professional work internationally.

    During the meetings all partnering schools will prepare workshops to " teach" students and teachers how to use different software tools to create reflections of real life. The topics of such projects are cross-curricular. Some projects results may be taught by our Erasmus students to students of other courses and may enable them to use specific software tools in their lessons, others may be added to syllabi of different subjects.

    One partnering school, Pestalozzi Gymnasium in Germany, belongs to a network of UNESCO schools and tries to implement the principles of UNESCO in lessons, activities and students’ minds and of the whole school community. Getting to know places of UNESCO world heritage, creating images of it, discovering art as an expression of cultural variety or to address topics of data privacy can be easily implemented in our project and can make a lot of important links to all schools.

    As the project is documented by students and teachers on the internet all interested parties outside the project can participate and use the material that will be developed during the project.

    (Copy of the part in the application)