

    JUNE 2017: Three students of our institution have been selected for Long term mobilities assignments and will participate before in a training event in our National agency in Madrid (SEPIE).

    MAY 2017: Really busy days!!!. Students are modelling with sketch up the parlament building in Helsinky, making a dynamic simulation of the movable bridge upon Garona river in Bordeaux and preparing also a Easter egg for the Geogebra competition. In a paralellel way students are being selected for Long term mobilities.

    APRIL 2017: We had a very good time in Germany and we also learnt a lot about geogebra and sketchup while the visit to Unna, thanks German team!. During this month of April some events are taking place in our school:

    We have the students meeting room door decorated by a student of 4th level called Rafael Maretos by using the GIMP.


    Students are being selected for the mobilty to Finland and also for the long term mobilities acording to this criteria:




    MARCH 2017: The games performed with Scratch are now finished and ready for the presentation in Germany (watch it in the work of international section).

    We have also had a basic lesson on Geogebra.


    As we are an eco-school, our students have manufectared a table with pallets and they have decorated it using the Gimp. Some leds lights will be shinning after the methacylate panel. 


    FEBRUARY 2017: On the 3rd and 4th of February two teachers of technology of our institution took part in a conference of Technology in Malaga.


    JANUARY 2017: Every day, many students meet in breaks time in the technology workshop to work on projects, freecad, Scratch, Arduino.... Our pupils are also practicing with Powtoon, tricider, photopeach...and other 2.0 tools we learnt in the workshop given by Monika and Siegfried in France (see it in the page 'using web 2.0 tools') or simply click here: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/16691/pages/page/165545


    Two students of 14 years; Carlos and Arturo have designed this challenging bridge to be soon printed in 3D:


    DECEMBER 2016: Working in international teams with students from the other countries trying to give shape to games, greetings for Christmas and NewYear with Scratch. Students are having fun and working hard. 

    NOVEMBER 2016: Meeting in Merignac (France). A huge experience. Thanks, French team for such unforgettable time!!!

    OCTOBER 2016: Nearly in a nervous way, the tasks for selecting the students who will go to the second meeting in UNNA (Germany) took place. In this document you will find the criteria for selecting them:


    And finally six students from eleven candidates were chosen. Below you will find the winner desing to cover the students' meeting classroom:




    SEPTEMBER 2016: The students soon started to get their introduction letters for the French hosters ready but also their presentations in English about Spain, Ubeda and IES Los Cerros. These trainers had to design (using GIMP) a decoration to cover the school stair risers by using vinils.


    Besides, the ICT World corner has just been craeted... and yes,... It is a stairs Erasmus corner.


    JULY 2016: Soon after knowing we have got the funding from the EU, the Spanish team started to work in the selection of the students who would soon participate in the meeting in Merignac (France).