News 2/17-7/17

  • 12.7.2017: Erasmus+-students coded summer greetings with Scratch.

    9.7.2017: Students of grade 6 created dynamic construction with GeoGeoGebra from the artist Max Bill und described the maths behind each piece of art. In the interactive GeoGebra-Book you can check by moving basic points in red that all constructions are really dynamic. 27 mathematical descriptions (geometry and fractions) were made.

    7.7.2017: ​The team of ICT World Germany had had a seminar to work commonly on different topics e.g. for the GeoGebra task, scratch files "summer 2017. Other students worked on how to handle software to create tutorials for GeoGebra and SketchUp. After hard work we went for lunch to a pizzera on Unna to celebrate finished work in the first year of ICT World.  
    Some students tried out to create dynamic string art with sliders. -> Worksheet  and GeoGebra Book.


    25.6.2017: Students of grade 5 worked with GeoGebra for the first time (in a subject called media education with 2 lessons per week)  and made construction to create artwork similar to Max Bill. 

    ​22.6.2017: ​First version of the geogebra task for the period between meeting 2 and meeting 3 is online. Students had to construct a dynamic cable car. Have a look here!

    10.6.2017: Students are working on recording small videos how to code special features in Scratch that are used very often. It has been done first in German but we plan to translate all in English and offer it in a YOUTUBE channel.

    8.6.2017: Application for the national eTwinning quality label has been sent to the German agency.

    24.5.2017: Ein neuer TS für das 1. Jahr mit einigen wichtigen Ergebnissen zu Scratch und Geogebra wurde vom PGU und dem Kollegen aud Tchechien aufgebaut.

    20.5.2017: Here is the vote of the jury. The second prize goes to Nina K. from PGU. Congratulations!

    16.5.2017: All results of the Geogebra contest were now online.

    7.05.2017: Documentation work of the meeting in Unna is now finished. Go here! 

    1.05.2017: 3 GeoGebra-Books for the 3 Geogebra workshops are online. Wir haben die meinsten Arbeiten während des Meetings im März nun zusammengestellt in  sogen.GeoGebra-Büchern, die ein Experimentieren d.h. dynamische Bewegungen an einzelnen Punkten der Konstruktion ermöglichen. 
    Geogebra- Konkreise (crop circles)           Flaggen mit GeoGebra                Animationen               Minimal Art

    26.4.2017: The pieces of art that had been created are now fixed on the wall at room 004. We think about printing out the names of the software products Scratch, SketchUp, GeoGebra, Arduino, Gimp and LEGO Mindstorms with our 3 D printer and put in under the two pieces of art which represent the same software. 

    10.4.2017: Die Gelsenwasserstiftung hat Geld bereit gestellt für den Kauf von 32 Mikrokontrollern mit dem Namen Calliope mini. Mit wenigen Klicks lasen sich im Nu eigene Programme für den Mikroprozessor erstellen und Dinge in Bewegung bringen.

    Neben 25 roten sowie einer RGB-LED und zwei programmierbaren Buttons enthält das Board einen kombinierten Lagesensor mit Bewegungssensor und Kompass sowie ein Bluetooth-Modul, mit dem Calliope mini mit anderen Geräten kommunizieren kann. Das Board lässt sich nicht nur mit dem Computer programmieren: Per App kann man selbst erstellte Programme kabellos auf den Minicomputer übertragen. 

    8.4.2017: The Rules for the GeoGebra competition are now online. German students start to participate. The deadline is prolonged until 10th may.

    7.4.2017: The German coordinator has created a new page in the TS called 3D printing. There we will expose object that has been created by SketchUp (and may-be other 3D-software) and then printed with 3D printer in each country.There are also new entries in the Meeting, GeoGebra and SketchUp pages.  

    2.4. 2017: Wir möchten uns noch einmal recht herzlich bedanken bei den Eltern, die Gäste aufgenommen haben und uns mit Kuchenspenden und einem vollständigen Buffet für die Party am Freitagabend sehr unterstützt haben!

    1.4.2017: Evaluation of the meeting (students and teachers)

    27.3.2017: Start der Dokumentation des Meetings im TS

    14.3.2017: The 3D printer works!

    ​We tested it by printing out some small houses- easily done with SketchUp.

    10.3.2017: Final AGENDA

    27.2.2017: Evaluation des Seminars in Föckinghausen vom 23.-24-2-2017


    27.2.2017: Upload of the SektchUp-project "Sites of World Cultural heritage" that Erasmus+ students had done last year.

    23.2.2017: Seminar in Föckinghausen: For 1,5 days all German participants of "ICT World" have worked together witth Mr. Richter and Mrs. Schwarze at PGU's country hostel 70 in a village called Föckinghausen  about 70 km far from Unna.They have tried out all worksheeds and prepared for moderation of all actvities during the meeting. This is a short video to see the balaance between hard work and relaxing minutes. 

    16.02.17: Student's project "Animated Caleidoscopes" is now online. You can drag the blue point in the middle of the circle. The button on the botoom left starts and stops animation.

    In the GeoGebra-Book of caleidoscopes there are some more nice ones. ->Go there

    16.2.2017: Publishing Geogebra files - classroom project "Stars" in grade 8. Click in the picture to get to the GeoGebra-Book with dynamic constructions. In a GeoGebra-Book there are some more dynamic stars.-> Go there


    15.2.2017: Meeting for all parents that will host students from FI, FR, CZ, LV, SP

    10.2.2016: Draft of the agenda for the meeting in Unna is now online.

    Download of the agenda

    5.2.2017: Work in the TS. Editing a new page for SketchUp in the TS and uploading a short reference for SketchUP.

    3.2.2017: All students of the German ICT World team have particated in a workshop helt by Michael Albers, a specialist of SketchUp who had published a lot of good videos on YouTube. We all have learned a lot of nice things that we like to teach to you during the meeting in Germany.-> website von M. Albers in German

    created by Thabo during the workshop

    2.2.2017: We have applied to get 32 Microcontrollers by a regional foundation. The system is called Calliope and is a little bit easier for beginners than Arduino. We hope to get the approval and be able to demonstrate it during the meeting in march.

    Link to older news