After Christmas holidays we were invited to Bratislava - to a national TV show for kids called DAJ SI ČAS. It is a TV game show where 4 contestatns form 2 schools do various activities on a specific topic. The topic we had was a year 1936 - big events or changes that happend that year e.g. first sound film with a famous actor Charlie Chaplin, or the black people in the Olympic games in Nazi Berlin, or the opening of first restaurant where the sandwiches were served.
So as we were in Bratislava, we decided to take a chance and visited the Bratislava caslte. The expostion avbout the Celts in our area around the river Danube was really intersting and we found out how importatn the rivers were in protecting the country or settlements. The Celts were great creaftsmen and water had a big role in that part of life too.
We learned a lot and we had a nice excursion in our capital city.
Students - 7.A and 7.B class
Pictures can be seen here: