Games from the Czech Republic
Memory game - animals
Memory game - mushrooms
Memory game - plants
Memory game - geography
Board game Criss-cross the Bohemian Forest
Rules of the game
- The game starts on the start field
- The eldest player is the first to throw
- The players alternate clockwise
- You throw the dice only once, even if you get six
- If the player steps on the field of protected area (nature reserve or natural monument), takes a card from the pack of cards and answers the question or completes the given task
- If the player answers the question correctly he goes as far forward as he got on the dice when he got on the field of the protected area
- If the player answers the question incorrectly he goes as far backwards as he got on the dice when he got on field of the protected area
- The game is orbital – you start in Přimda and finish in Přimda
- The winner is the player who returns to Přimda first
Water board game
Rules of the game
- You'll need tokens and dice to play
- Each time the pupils rolls the dice he/she has to pick up a word card
- The pupil reads it and uses the word in a sentence.
- Then the pupil can move forward.
- The one who is the first to catch the last fish (FINISH) is the winner.
- There are 60 word cards.
Games from Poland
domino Erasmus-jęz. angielski.pdf
domino Erasmus-jęz. polski.pdf
domino Erasmus-jęz. angielski.doc
domino Erasmus-jęz. polski.doc
zasady gry.pdf
Games from Slovakia
pexeso názvy.pdf
Here you can find a popular card game that our pupils created. It can be fun to use it in English lesssons.