3.1 Transnational project meeting in Poland

  • The first transantional project meeting took place in Poland (in Mielżyn) from the 27th to 30th November 2017 


    Pierwsze spotkanie

    naszej szkoły z przedstawicielami z Czech i Słowacji

    dn. 27.11.2017r.


    Dnia 27.11.2017r. w naszej szkole odbyło się się pierwsze spotkanie

    nauczycieli i dyrektorów z Czech, Słowacji oraz Polski w ramach projektu

    Erasmus Plus "WATER= Wisdom and Activity Through Enjoyable

    Realisation". Jednak zanim goście do nas dotarli trwały intensywne

    przygotowania. Grupy, które zostały utworzone na początku projektu miały

    wyznaczone zadania. Jedna robiła plakat na temat Czech, druga o

    Słowacji, natomiast trzecia o Polsce. Wykonaliśmy także flagi, którymi

    ozdobiliśmy szkołę. Oczywiście nie skończyło się tylko na plakatach i

    flagach. Robiliśmy prześliczne, a zarówno pracochłonne kartki świąteczne

    oraz aniołki dla naszych gości. Po tygodniu zmagań przyszedł dzień, w

    którym śpiewająco przywitaliśmy przybyszy z zagranicy. Mamy nadzieję,

    że nasze powitanie i drobny upominek im się spodobał.


                                                                         Nicola Frejda,

                                                                         Amelia Matuszczyk

    The first meeting

    of teachers from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia


       On November 27, 2017 the first meeting of teachers from the Czech

    Republic, Slovakia and Poland took place in our

    school, as part of the Erasmus Plus project "WATER = Wisdom and Activity

    Through Enjoyable Realization". But before they came, we had made lots

    of preparations. Groups which were created at the beginning of our project

    had their own tasks. The first group made a poster about the Czech,

    the second about Slovakia and the third one about Poland. We also made

    flags with which we decorated the school. But it wasn't the end. We made

    beautiful but, at the same time, very labor-intensive Christmas cards for our

    guests. After a week of struggles there came the day in which we welcomed

    the teachers by singing songs and dancing.

    We hope that they liked our greeting and the little gift.

                                                                         Made by:

                                                                         Nicola Frejda,

                                                                         Amelia Matuszczyk

    We visited the town hall of Witkowo where we met the mayor. At school, we were invited by the Headmistress of the school, Mrs Urszula Potaś, and Polish pupils prepared a nice performance of Polish songs and dances. During the meeting, we were planning the activities in details and we divided our tasks (each school is responsible for its part of our project activities and outputs). We also visited Poznań and the famous archeological open-air-museum in Biskupin that was built as a Slavic settlement (gord) on a marshy peninsula in Lake Biskupin.  




    https://www.sliac.sk/download_file_f.php?id=914148 - article about the meeting in local newspaper in Sliač.