15th October 2018 - presentation
16th October 2018 - presentation
17th October 2018 - presentation
18th October 2018 - presentation
19th October 2018 - presentation
WATER - the international cooperation of 3 Slavic nations
A week from 15 to 19 October 2018 was dedicated to water. Water in different forms. Andrej Sládkovič Sliač Primary School hosted nearly 40 pupils and teachers as part of the 2nd Erasmus + International School Partnership Project Meeting. Participants from Přimda Primary School (CZ) and Szkoła Podstawowa w Zespole Szkolno-Przedszkolnym im. Powstańców Wielkopolskich in Mielżyne (PL) together with our school solved project tasks, researched, learned each other and got to know each other.
Within five days, students and teachers had a rich programme. Our school project team prepared a variety of activities, excursions, creative tasks and through non-formal learning and experiential learning, pupils had the opportunity to discover and experience water in everyday situations, in all its forms.
The ceremonial opening of the project meeting took place in the Hron cinema, where representatives of the Town of Sliač and a representative of the Slovak Youth Institute Iuventa were also invited. The graduate of our elementary school, Paulína Púpalová, moderated the whole programme. In addition to the cultural programme prepared by school students under the leadership of Mgr. Olga Vonkomerova, p. Zuzana Cviková and p. Tatiana Groves, we had the opportunity to see three presentation videos created by the pupils where they presented their school.
After a school tour and teambuilding activities, where each pupil was given a badge with the project logo and his / her name, the pupils were divided into groups and worked in international groups at three locations. They made a drop in a 3D printer, baked gingerbreads from molds in the shape of the countries involved in the school kitchen, and learned to learn Slavic customs and traditions creatively in the homeland hall. In the evening we set out in the footsteps of the history and present of the Sliač Spa and pupils had the opportunity to taste the water from our springs.
On Tuesday we went into the field. The first stop was in the sewage treatment plant in Zvolen, followed by a climb to the Pustý hrad Castle and afternoon water games in the Aquapark in Kováčovová. Wednesday again belonged to creativity and research at the habitats. Students used traditional techniques to decorate textile bags, and in the school garden they solved the tasks related to the water cycle, the amount of water on Earth and tried to filter the water through different layers. In the chemical laboratory they did unconventional experiments and investigated the chemical properties of water. We visited Sliač airport in the afternoon, where pupils had the opportunity to try a flight simulator of a military fighter.
On Thursday morning we went on an excursion to Bratislava - a city of many languages and forms. The exploratory boat trip on the Danube, followed by a visit to the Water Museum, with technical exhibits, and a walk on the island of Sihoť. We looked at the sunset and the confluence of the rivers Danube and Moravia in Devín, where we were full of experiences and new experiences in the late evening, we returned home.
And not to miss our second longest Slovak river Hron, we won on its shore on Friday and made natural materials from our handmade mandala, photo frames and mini-model raft. Then we let Hron down. The afternoon included an interactive ECOTOUR concert by Thomas Puskailer on environmental protection, which was a great success for pupils.
Well, we didn't even know, and the end of the week was here. Farewell time is always emotional. The multicultural evening was opened by the headteacher by evaluating pupils' whole-week activity. Each teacher and pupil received a certificate and a small gift as a memory of this successful meeting. There were also snacks, pizza and sweet cake with the project logo.
We are all looking forward to the next project meeting, which will be held at the beginning of June 2019 in the Czech elementary school Přimda. The project is co-funded by the European Union.
VODA – medzinárodné partnerstvo troch krajín
Týždeň od 15. – 19. októbra 2018 patril v našej škole vode. Vode v rôznych podobách. Základná škola A. Sládkoviča Sliač hostila takmer 40 žiakov a učiteľov v rámci 2. projektového stretnutia medzinárodného školského partnerstva v programe Erasmus+. Účastníci zo Základnej školy Přimda (ČR) a zo Szkoły Podstawowej w Zespole Szkolno-Przedszkolnym im. Powstańców Wielkopolskich v Mielżyne (PL) spolu s našou školou spoločne riešili projektové úlohy, bádali, učili sa navzájom a spoznávali.
Počas piatich dní mali žiaci a učitelia pripravený bohatý program. Náš školský projektový tím prichystal rôznorodé aktivity, exkurzie, tvorivé úlohy a cez neformálne vzdelávanie a zážitkové učenie mali žiaci možnosť objavovať a spoznávať vodu v každodenných situáciách, vo všetkých podobách.
Slávnostné otvorenie projektového stretnutia sa konalo v kine Hron, kde boli pozvaní aj zástupcovia Mesta Sliač a zástupkyňa Slovenského inštitútu mládeže Iuventa. Absolventka našej základnej školy, Paulína Púpalová, celý program moderovala. Okrem kultúrneho programu pripraveného žiakmi školy pod vedením Mgr. Oľgy Vonkomerovej, p. Zuzany Cvikovej a p. Tatiany Groves, sme mali možnosť vidieť tri prezentačné videá vytvorené žiakmi, v ktorých nám predstavili svoju školu.
Po prehliadke školy a teambuildingových aktivitách, kedy každý žiak dostal odznak s logom projektu a svojím menom, sa žiaci rozdelili do skupín a pracovali v medzinárodných skupinách na troch stanovištiach. Vyrobili si kvapku v 3D tlačiarni, v školskej kuchynke si napiekli medovníky z formičiek v tvare zapojených krajín a vo vlastivednej sieni tvorivo spoznávali slovanské zvyky a tradície. Podvečer sme sa vydali po stopách histórie a súčasnosti sliačskych kúpeľov a žiaci mali možnosť ochutnať vodu z našich prameňov.
V utorok sme išli do terénu. Prvá zastávka bola v čističke odpadových vôd vo Zvolene, nasledoval výstup na Pustý hrad a poobede vodné hry v Aquaparku v Kováčovej. Streda znova patrila tvorivosti a bádaniu na stanovištiach. Žiaci si tradičnými technikami vyzdobili textilné tašky a v školskej záhrade riešili úlohy spojené s cyklom vody, množstvom vody na Zemi a vyskúšali si filtráciu vody cez rôzne vrstvy. V chemickom laboratóriu robili netradičné pokusy a skúmali chemické vlastnosti vody. Letisko Sliač sme navštívili poobede, kde si žiaci mali možnosť vyskúšať letecký trenažér vojenskej stíhačky.
Vo štvrtok ráno sme absolvovali exkurziu do Bratislavy – mesta mnohých jazykov a podôb. Po prieskumnej plavbe loďou po Dunaji, nasledovala návšteva Vodárenského múzea, s technickými exponátmi, a prechádzka po ostrove Sihoť. Západ slnka a sútok riek Dunaja a Moravy sme si pozreli na Devíne, odkiaľ sme sa plní zážitkov a nových skúseností v neskorých večerných hodinách vrátili domov.
A aby sme nevynechali ani našu druhú najdlhšiu slovenskú rieku Hron, v piatok sme sa vyhrali na jej breh a z prírodných materiálov sme vlastnoručne vyrobili mandaly, rámiky na fotografie a minimodely pltí. Tie sme potom pustili dole Hronom. Poobedie patrilo interaktívnemu koncertu ECOTOUR Thomasa Puskailera o ochrane životného prostredia, ktorý mal u žiakov veľký úspech.
No a ani sme sa nenazdali a koniec týždňa bol tu. Čas lúčenia býva vždy emotívny. Multikultúrny večer otvoril pán riaditeľ zhodnotením celotýždňovej činnosti žiakov. Každý učiteľ a žiak dostal certifikát a malý darček ako spomienku na toto vydarené stretnutie. Nechýbalo ani občerstvenie, pizza a sladká torta s logom projektu.
Už teraz sa všetci tešíme na ďalšie projektové stretnutie, ktoré sa bude konať začiatkom júna 2019 v českej Základnej škole Přimda. Projekt je financovaný z prostriedkov Európskej únie.
Žiacke kolégium projektu WATER, Erasmus+, Základná škola A. Sládkoviča, Sliač
Experiments in our school chemistry laboratory
Experiment 1
Mineral springs in Slovakia
The pupils brought mineral water from various springs from the Sliač spa resort (water samples on Tuesday evening – 16th October 2018). Using copy paper and atlas they drew a map of Slovakia and marked the capital. They filled in the names of the spas and springs, mineral water composition etc. from the projects exhibited in the laboratory (which were prepared by 9B class students who took samples of mineral waters from four spas in Slovakia: Turčianske Teplice, Brezno, Sliač and Číž). Then they measured the pH and hardness of the mineral waters from these springs and compared it with their samples. They drew the spas in Slovakia into their map, whose mineral waters they had investigated.
Experiment 2
Coloured water
The pupils prepared 6 differently coloured water under the leadership of our 9B class pupils, and they did experiments with it: water diffusion (hot and cold, cold and cold), water pressure in a confined space (with candle burning and a closed bag), mixing coloured water and preparing new colours.
In the worksheet they described what phenomena they were observing and the names of the colours they had prepared.
Experiment 3
Following the instructions of our 9B class pupils, the younger pupils made the following experiments: floating and sinking of prepared objects (different shapes, different materials in water, the same procedure after adding liquid soap), then they made a submarine and could describe the principle of sinking, competing (by blowing) in a paper boat cruise on water.
The results of the observations and the competition were recorded in a worksheet.