In november we had the second skype meeting. Kids could see each other and evaluate the second youh meeting which took place in Sliač, Slovakia, in 15th - 19th October 2018. They exchanged the ideas, experience, opinions about the meeting activities and excursions. They evaluated the programme and their cooperation. They agreed that the meeting was very successful and they can´t wait to meet again in June 2019 in the Czech school in Přimda. They decided to make and send Christmas greetings to partner schools and to have another skype meeting again in Decmeber or in January.
On November 8th the second Skype meeting between the pupils from Mielźyn, Sliać and Primda took place. Students were a bit shy at first but later they opened up and talked with their friends. It was a great chance to catch up after the second meeting in Slovakia and sum it up. Here are some photos of the skype conversation from the Polish side. Enjoy!