Žiaci 7.B triedy na hodine chémie "čistili špinavú vodu". Doma si pripravili pomôcky a na hodine zostavili filtračnú aparatúru. Pripravili si zmes vody a piesku a filtrovali. Niektorí žiaci opakovali filtráciu viackrát a výsledkom bola čistá voda. Pretože v laboratóriu je zakázané ochutnávať látky, smäd si museli uhasiť inou tekutinou.
7.B class students cleaned dirty water during the chemistry lesson. They worked on water filtration experiment in a school lab. First they prepared everything necessary at home and then they contructed the water filtration apparatus at the lab. They prepared a mixture of water and sand and started the filtration. The faster ones managed to repeat the filtration more times and they got really clean water. However, as it is strictly forbidden to taste anything in the lab they had to quench their thisrt with some other liguid outside the classroom :D .