B. Valentine's Day cards


    • CREATIVITY: handmade, sustainable, creative postcards; Valentine's Day gratitude and communication between schools;
    • CURRICULUM: English writing & reading, how to write a postcard; gratitude vocabulary, telling habits.
    • COLLABORATION: exchange of postcards with grateful messages: intercultural dialogue.
    • DIGITAL TOOL: none
    • RESULT: Valentine's postcard

    ACTIVITY: exchange of sustainable postcards for each country

    1. Create Valentine's Day postcards with your Art teacher or maths teacher. You must use biodegradable materials to make it eco-friendly; you must choose affordable materials; finally it must be beautiful and send a grateful social message!
    2. Find your style: pop up, drawing, painting, collage, sewing,... and don't forget the message "Happy Valentine's Day!"
    3. You can write to tell your friends about Valentines' Day in your country.
    4. You can write a grateful poem with strong meaningful words emphasizing our European friendship!
    5. Or you can write a sweet message.
    6. Of course you can write all these things if you want and more!
    7. You can also share a video message in the Twinboard for Valentine's Day!

    Here are some ideas...

    You can draw Tangrams with your maths teacher!

    Or you can make them with your art teacher! Have fun and be creative!

    THE FRENCH STUDENTS worked with their maths teacher M. Sulima to create tangrams after listening to the legend:


    Here is a wordart that we have made with the collaboration of all Spanish students;

    Each one said a word of what Valentine's Day means to them and here is the result:

    Great songs to inspire you while writing!


  • Do you want to tweet about what you are sending or have received?

    vaentine greetings

    The Valentine's Day greetings are on their way. I look forward to hearing from you :)
    Have a great day!
    Best wishes Regina - Germany

    Magdalena, Germany

    I´ve sent my Valentine´s Day Card directly to my Partners home. I hope it´s coming soon <3
    Greetings from Germany

    Noemi - Germany
    Saint Valwntine's Day

    Hello, my name is Laura (from Spain) and this is the Valentine card that I have made for Sophie. I hope that she likes it!

    My Valentine card

    I am Celia, from Spain. I have made this card to send to Germany.
    I wish everybody a happy Valentine's day!

    María Ángeles, Spain

    Thanks Magdalena for sending the letter to my house, i’m waiting for it! <3
    I’ve sent you another, hope u like it!
    Greetings from Spain!

    Clara, Spain

    Hi! This is the Valentines card I've made for Stella. Hope it'll arrive soon :) Happy Valentines to everyone!

    Sara, Spain

    Voilà my Valentine's Day postcard that I've made for Hannah H. Hope it arrives soon to Germany! Happy Valentine's Day to you all ;)

    Marta, Spain

    Hello! This is the Valentine card that I made for Katia! Hope you have a great Valentine Day!

    Cristina Sola (Spain)

    This is my Valentine's card that I have made for Melissa. I hope you like it!
    Happy Valentine's day to everybody!!

    Fenia & Amalia ,Greece

    These are our Valentine's Day cards for our Spanish and German partners . They are a group's work . Hope they like them !!!!