St Irmengard Gymnasium, Germany

  • Logos:



    This is the address:

    Erzbischöfliche St.-Irmengard-Schulen
    Hauptstraße 45
    82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen                                                                            



    Girls school

    It is a long tradition that the Irmengard school is an all-girls school. Many people think that it´s certainly boring to go to a school that only girls go to, but that´s not the way it is! It has some advantages to go to a girls school:

    At girls schools, the girls have to take on all responsible tasks themselves and also take on boy roles: they organize events from the classes and student representatives, give speeches and also supervise the technology at theater performances. This strengthens the self-confidence.   

    In mixed schools, it is often the case that girls avoid science courses and mathematics because of gender-distant interests.

    (Melissa Kücük)


    The Branches at the St.Irmengard Gymnasium

    -musical branch
    There is a musical branch at Irmengard. You don't necessarily have to have previous knowledge to be able to choose this one, but it would be better to be a little musical.
    It is very suitable for students who are interested in music and would like to learn an instrument.
    It promotes participation in school music groups such as the band, the swing choir or our orchestras.

    -linguistic branch
    There is a linguistic branch at Irmengard. It promotes the learning of foreign languages!
    It is suitable for students who are interested in the language and culture of other countries and who like to learn foreign languages
    It offers the languages: English, Latin, French.

    -social science branch
    There is a social science branch at Irmengard. It takes up topics from the world of young people, like media studies, communication, conflict management, social integration and political systems.
    It is well suited for students who are interested in social issues.
    It promotes social skills such as the ability to work in a team and empathy!

    (Noemi Schlieper)



    Our school has developed a system to teach the students democratic participation at their own level. Listen to the description made by Fabia and Letizia.



    Some photos from our school building:

    Entrance hall (Laura)

    Old staircase (Laura)

    Gangway (Lucia)

    Detail (Noemi)

    Look outside (Lucia)

    The Newsletter no. 2 appeared in the school's profile on Facebook:
