HKHS Kindergarten workshop

  • On December 12th 2019 Erasmus+ Life in plastic- is it fantastic? project students visited KUBUŚ - one of Krotoszyn's  kindergartens to run a lesson on waste segregation and the hopes and threats related to the ubiquity of plastic in our life.
    To start off , we had a session of book reading with the kids - we used PLASTIC FANTASTIC? by Eun-Ju Kim, illistrated by Ji-Won Lee. The youngsters were really  engrossed and crowded to have a look at the pictures and answer questions.
    Next, Kollataj students explained to the children how to save resouces like water and electricity and how to replace plastic disposables with wheat bran plates or single-use tear-off bags with net curtain home-sewn sacks. The kids and their teacher were amazed when they saw our sustainable ideas!
    The last part of the meeting was a practical workshop in waste segregation. Kids picked a piece of waste and decided which bin to put it into guided by colours and our students encouragement.
    We had a lot of fun and we believe the kids learned through a fun activity what practical things thay can do to save the planet.