International evening


    This article is about ”The International evening” at Copenhagen City School, which took part on Thursday the 26th of September. The evening´s purpose was to celebrate the Erasmus project called ``Life in Plastic´´, diversity, and recognizing our cultures in one single evening. The party was opened for only families who are part of the school, and for Erasmus students coming from: Italy, Poland and Germany.

    During the evening, all of the families brought different national dishes from home, to share with everyone. All of the food was put on a buffet, and each person could choose what to eat from the different cultures. The Italian students used the school kitchen to make a typical Roman dish called “ Amatriciana”.  

     After dinner, each Erasmus country showed and taught a national dance or song to the other students. The Polish students began with a national dance called “Belgijka “which consisted of searching for a partner and meeting new people. The Italians then showed a dance to the song “Gioca Joer” by Claudio Cecchetto. The Germans continued by singing “Chӧre” by Mark Forster. Lastly, the Danish students taught the dance “Boogie Woogie“. The night ended in fun, dancing and lots of memories.