
  • Plastic vocabulary 

    -material that can change its shape in heat

    -artificial; chemical
    -not produced by plants or animals
    -often copying a natural product
      ->for example not natural cotton

    -made by synthesis from a naturally occurring material

    -prosses of converting waste materials that have already been used into new objects, so they can be used again

    -the process of turning materials that aren't useful in their current form into something useful again by adopting and creatively turning it into something new
    (e.g.  kids in Africa using plastic bags and rubber bands to make footballs) 

    Bottle return machine/automat:
    -an automat which you can find in almost every german supermarket 
    -you can return your plastic bottles with the recycling sign  to this automat and then all the bottles are brought to the factory where they will be recycled (recycling factory) 
    -you also get a deposit for returning the bottle
      -> the machine prints a bill which             indicates how much deposit you get depending on how many bottles you returned (25 cents per bottle).  Then you can show the cashier your your bill and either be given your money directly or (if you brought something)  use the deposit to pay for your groceries 

    Consumer('s)  behavior:
    -describes the behavior of the consumers
      ->where they buy
      ->why they buy
      ->what and how much they buy

    Plastic pollution:
    -accumulation of plastic objects
    -it's a big problem for animals

    Marine pollution:
    -man-made pollution 
    -waste in the seas

    -everything around us
      ->living or non-living things 
      ->physical, chemical or other  natural forces

    -materials that are no longer needed and are thrown away

    Waste seperation:
    -a system used to separate different types of waste (e.g. organic waste, paper, plastic/recycling, refuse) 
    -the different types of waste are sorted into differently colorer bins on bags which are then emptied by the garbage collection (Müllabfuhr)