Discovery of the week

  • Discovery of the week

  • Discovery of the week: Which ways to reduce our plastic consumption have you found recently?

    New replacemnt material for plasticbags

    German inventors have invented a material out of cellulose (out of waste from the wood processing industrie) which can replace plasticbags in some scopes of application.

    The video behind the link is unfortunately only aviable in german.

    one-time flowepot out of hemp

    There is a new invention for avoiding plastic waste.
    A product mainly out of hemp to replace one-time flowerpots.
    You can simply stuck them together with the flower into the ground and they rot.
    (unfortunately the linked video is only aviable in german)

    "Plastic Planet"

    "Plastic Planet" is a ducumentary movie about plastic(-refuse) in the whole world and its dangers.

    Writer and director was the Austrian moviedirector Werner Boote.The film is in approximately 99 Minutes long and was released in the september 2009 after four years of filming and postproduction.

    It starts with a kind of flashback to the childhood of the director.Thereafter the movie shows the director's journey thought the world and his interviews with many people; sometimes Werner Boote comments the movie in the background.

    You can watch the movie on the internet (it is only sometimes in english, but in this case it is subtiteled in german):


    An app to monitor litter and more...

    Plastic packaging free products in Supermarkets

    The German Supermarket chain Netto advertised in this weeks advertisment, that some fruits an vegetables can be bought without a packaging, where in other Supermarkets these would be wrapped in plastic. On they're website they advertise that you can also bring your own box to the meat counter and use it instead of a plastic packaging.
    (unfortunately the website is only available in German)