HKHS bottle cap collection fundraiser


    HKHS Erasmus+ Life in plasic team joined forces with the school Volunteers' Club for a bottle cap collection fundraiser. The money earned from the fundraiser was used to help a boy suffering from leukaemia. Similar events are taking place in other schools and workplaces around Krotoszyn.
    HKHS students were given 3 weeks' time to gather the caps in their classrooms until on October 21  the weighing took place in the auditorium. In total, we managed to collect over 100 kg of plastic that will be sold to a recycling business. The champions of the collection turned out to be first year students in class 1DG, followed closely by 1C.
    A dozen or so bags filled with colourful bottle caps of different shapes and sizes that suddenly appeared in the basement must have been a surprise for the janitors! The bags didn't stay long at school, though, as they were soon collected by the action coordinator.
    The  two classes who collected the most have been rewarded with a delicious pizza prize.