Saint Nicholas' Day in HKHS

  • On December 6th Saint Nicholas’ Day took place in our school. Our high school combined  this day with the ERASMUS Project ,, Life in plastic- is it fantastic? “ When all classes appeared in the assembly hall, we started having fun. At first, two students from every class had to make plastic and ecological decorations. Then one student from every class had to eat five tangerines as quickly as it was possible. After this competition the students’ task was to segregate plastic caps in 30 seconds according to their colour and to present  an Ode to... in English, for example ,, An Ode to a plastic chair.’’ The penultimate competition was a Kahoot game. Students answered eleven English and Polish questions about Christmas and Erasmus Project very well. ( the link: last competition was to guess Christmas carols. During this day students showed their creativity and knowledge. They could get to know very interesting things about Christmas in other countries and about using plastic in our daily lives.


    Written by Zuzanna N.