Synergy with STEAM Project

  • The STEAM project

    On 23  July 2021  Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía published la Resolución de 16 de julio de 2021, de la Dirección General de Formación del Profesorado e Innovación Educativa, An Innovation initiative for state schools to develop «Proyecto STEAM: Investigación Aeroespacial aplicada al aula», during the school year 2021-2022.

    The European Space Agency colaborates to involve teachers and students in aerospace  investigation in order to improve competences in Science, Engineering and Technology, focusing on girls and women.


    IES San Sebastián participates actively.

    Antonio Vázquez, IT teacher, gave a presentation to students at 3 and 4 year of CSE and also 1 Year of Post Compulsory Secondary Education on how to make a programme in a simulator to be executed and sent to the International Space Station.





    Acquisition of DJI Mavic mini SE

    The Physics teacher Cristina Malmierca, is the coordinator of the STEAM project at IES San Sebastián. Alicia Guerrero, Technology teacher, and Miguel Ángel Criado, Physics teacher, also cooperate.

    An European agency, ...., looking forward to foster engineering and sciences has granted the project with around 3.500 euros.

    We have acquired a DJI Mavic mini SE, a drone. It is to be used to teach students the principles of flying and how to use it for the centre for any activity deemed appropriate. It is category C0 under 250grm. In principle you don't need a licence to fly it, but as it has a camera you have to register on the AESA website as an operator due to RGPDCP.


    Antonio Vázquez, IT teacher, has assembled it:






    We have taken our dron "Sebita" to a Night Star visit to the beach in Mazagón. It is an activity part of the Erasmus KA 226 on Climate Change as there is a mobility of German teachers and students.