-A13.3- Learning/Teaching activities, Turkey


    Antalya, Turkey 16-20 May 2022


    The second mobility of our project. It is not a project where students are directly involved, rather they are the focus and will benefit from ur work. It is a project for teachers. Nevertheless, it implies hardwork to get to grips with new methodologies and the use of new technologies.



    Our working sessions took place at Robotik Bilim "Hayat et & Kodla", Antalya. It is a private center to take courses and where students carry out extracurricular/compementary activities in realtion to new technologies.




    Working sessions at the Robotic Center:


    Working sessions 16 May 22: App inventor- a translator on your mobile phone:

    Ders1- App Inventor Giriş ingilizce sunum KISA.pptx.pdf


    Working sessions 17 May 22: Pi box- a lamp with Arduino:

    Mblock 5 ile WoodKit-PiBox.pptx.pdf



    Working sessions 18 May 22: Tinkercard- 3D printing

    TinkerCad GİRİŞ 1.pdf





    These teaching-learning activities will be implemented at our schools and there will also be workshops to share our experience with the rest of our partene teachers.