M1: First Transnational Meeting- Huelva (Spain)

  • KA 226: We are Ready for Digital World


    We have already set sail!


    Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our first transnational meeting will be split up into:

    1- Online meeting videocalls (26 April 21 and 28 June 21) to get to know each other and to deal with the main issues to tackle in October.

    • Working on the Timeline
    • Arrangement and distribution of project tasks among partners.







    2- A short mobility in Huelva (3-6 October 21) to manage the project.

    • Work on the timeline
    • e-Twinning 
    • Aagree on the dates for the following mobilities:



    Our partners have met the Board, other teachers and students in a walkaround our facilities:







    Of course, "all work and no joy, make John a dullboy". Some spare time to enjoy the city and it's surroundings:


    Queen Victoria Quarter, El Portil:



    El Tinto Pier:



    Plaza de las Monjas in the city centre:


    Chilling out: