This photo was taken during the Cleaning Beaches activity in October 2015. Canal Sur Radio, interviewed Carmen Nevado, the Coordinator of the project.
This is the audio of the interview:
The coordinator was also interviewed by Onda Cero; again, spreading our project ideas.
Video of the interview:
Our students were delighted at Cadena Ser Radio Broadcast to talk about their experience before the mobility to Hamburg. , search Erasmus Plus, you will see ETV Hoy por Hoy Huelva Erasmus Plus del IES San Sebastián
Barra Libre, is a local FM radio program run by one of my colleagues, Mario Delgado, he is a Language and Literature teacher, eager to help us. I also posted about it on Facebook.
In another program, they showed their concern on recycling, they talked about how to use different bins for different kinds of waste:
This is a local radio program in which Mario Delgado and his colleagues at the radio broadcast talk about Erasmus Plus projects. They are aware that these projects imply a lot of work. The recording was shared on Twitter and Facebook to be spread among teachers and the rest of the population.
In Putignano (Italy) a radio program was broadcast from school, Radio JP. The students themselves conducted it.
They interviewed Carmen Nevado, the Coordinator of the Project, in English. Spreading the project using English and New Technologies.