Jane Goodall NGO

  •     HUELVA, Spain

    • We are participating in a recycling campaign for Africa. Used, active mobile phones will be collected to be recycled and sponsor a chimpanze. We aim to make people aware of the exploitation of Coltan, which is the reason for conflict in some places in Africa. Besides, illegal mining makes use of children workforce and destroys the environment of some species as Chimps or Gorillas which are in risk due to poachers.


    • Thus, we are helping to:

                 -  Reuse mobile phones and reduce the demand of mineral components which finance guerrillas.

                 -  Recycle  useful devices in order to use batteries properly and so avoiding the polution to the environment.

                 -  Raise funds  for the programme of recuperation of species lead by Jane Goodall.

    • 18 May 2017. We've heard about this initiative through people at University. Sara, from the NGO in Seville, has come to have a chat- coloquium. One session with students at the third year of compulsory secondary education (3 ESO), who were really involved; the other session with students at 1 SMR Vocational Training (IT and Computers). Volunteers from both groups of students will go class to class spreading what the've learnt to other students:






    • We've heard from Sara again. She wants to know about the mobile phone campaign and about our interest in the project Raíces y Brotes for next school year. We are planning to do it because some of our students showed interest after her presentation.



            She has displayed photos and information about us in her web page: 
