A24. Space waste research, Gymnasium Altona

  • German version with English subtitles


    The Physics Club in Hamburg is doing research on space waste. They are studying if space waste can be recycled:

    Responsible teacher: Jan-Peter Klöckner , grade 11/12

    In the first project phase an installation titled "Problem Space Waste"
    will be made. This installation will be threefold; in text-form,
    sculpture and multi medial using video.

    In _text-form_ we will present our research and give a definition of the
    terms space waste & debris. The impact on scientific and commercial use
    of the space surrounding planet earth will be addressed, concerning the
    growing number of parts and particles in earth-orbit. First ideas and
    solutions to the problem already implemented or discussed
    internationally will be presented.

    Our _sculpture_ will be a scaled representation of waste and debris in
    earth-orbit now (~2012) and in a predicted future (2030 or 2050) if
    scientific and commercial space-travel will not change their
    waste-disposal habit. The multiplication of parts and particles via
    collision at high speeds will be shown using models made of styro-foam.

    _Video_: "Let's Play: Kerbal Space Program(c)" (publication via
    INTERNET) we will produce a voice-over video, addressing and visualizing
    the "Problem Space Waste". Using the physically accurate rocket and
    space-travel simulation software "Kerbal Space Program" (KSP), we would
    like to show the launch of a communication-satellite, showing the
    accompanying long lasting waste-parts in close-earth-orbit from
    rocket-staging. A collision of the newly installed satellite with
    space-debris at several thousand meters per second will be the end to
    this short video, resulting in even more particles in earth-orbit.

    This whole installation will be made accessible via the school’s
    homepage, too.


    In another project phase our own solutions and ideas to reduce the
    problem in the future will be the focus of our efforts.